The Force is in You
Jeremy BriggsShare

Taking your training to the next level requires focus, energy, and stamina. It’s no wonder the fitness nutrition world abounds with pre-workout supplements that promise such effects and more. But at what cost? Jitters? Anxiety? Nausea? No thanks. PROGENEX Force’s formulation draws from the latest in scientific research to give your mind and body the power surge they need to perform, but doesn’t come with the unpleasant side effects you’ve come to expect from a pre-workout.
The Force is in You
PROGENEX Force contains a special proprietary blend of ingredients that is specifically formulated to maximize your body’s ability to train harder, longer so that you can realize superior results.
To create the finest pre-workout product, we consulted with scientists, athletes, and everyday exercisers to find out just what they felt was needed. The ability to withstand fatigue was of pre-eminent concern, as was the rapid and ready supply and distribution of key nutrients during training.
PROGENEX Force does all that and more. Each serving of PROGENEX Force will:
- Increase your energy, strength, stamina, clarity and mental focus.
- Maximize your ability to train harder, longer by fueling muscles and blocking fatigue pathways.
- Optimize your performance through increased blood flow, oxygen transport and the delivery of key nutrients during training.
All of the above is made possible by our proprietary Surge NOS Activator TM, our carefully calibrated nutrients (Creatine and 2:1:1 BCAA Peptides), our anti-fatigue ingredients (L-Citrulline and Beta-Alanine), and our low dose addition of caffeine.
Surge NOS Activator™
PROGENEX Force contains Surge NOS Activator™ – a proprietary whey peptide that enhances nitric oxide production resulting in vasorelaxation or greater arterial dilation (Cosentino, 1995),
(Bryan, 2009). Vasodilation means you’ll experience:
- Increased blood flow and oxygen transport
- Maximized and prolonged VO2 Max
- Reduction in blood pressure, and
- Rapid delivery of key nutrients during training
How does Surge NOS Activator™ work? Surge NOS Activator™ is an isolated concentration of key whey peptides that enhance nitric oxide production. And nitric oxide is one “radical” molecule.
Known as NO, nitric oxide is an important cellular signaling molecule. It is often referred to as the endothelium-derived relaxing factor—EDRF—because the endothelium (inner lining) of blood vessels uses nitric oxide to signal the surrounding smooth muscle to relax. This relaxation is referred to as vasorelaxation, and/or vasodilation. It is this increased arterial dilation that allows for greater blood flow.
It was Ferid Murad and his colleagues who first made this important discovery back in 1973. The implications for modern day medicine were so far-reaching and profound that in 1992, nitric oxide was named “Molecule of the Year,” and six years later, Murad and his colleagues were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology.
Their landmark research spurred pharmaceutical companies to create medicines with the ability to successfully treat angina, atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension, and/or erectile dysfunction (yes, Viagra also harnesses the power of nitric oxide).
It didn’t take long for athletes and sports nutritionists to also realize the significance of Murad’s discovery. Supplements harnessing the power of nitric oxide abound, but only PROGENEX Force contains the patent-pending technology that specifically isolates and concentrates key whey peptides responsible for activating the production of nitric oxide, resulting in vasorelaxation.
Just one serving of PROGENEX Force and you will feel the power surge as you experience
increased blood flow, increased oxygen transport and extended VO2 max. You’ll also feel your
muscles fuel up as two ingredients course rapidly through your expanded arterial walls, delivering strict muscle fuel before, during and after your grueling workout.
Surge Delivers the Force
Increased blood flow and oxygen transport are awesome, indeed, but PROGENEX Force doesn’t stop there. Our Surge NOS Activator™ ensures the rapid delivery of key nutrients during training. The two key nutrients included in PROGENEX Force are Creatine and 2:1:1 BCAA’s (Branched Chain Amino Acids). Both are incredible sources of strict muscle fuel that have been scientifically proven to enhance athletic performance.
Creatine is a substance naturally produced in your body. It can also be obtained from consuming meat and/or through supplementation. Creatine plays a vital role in providing energy to your cells (particularly your muscles) by fueling the creation of ATP.
Because of the important role creatine plays in fueling the production of ATP, individuals with higher creatine concentrations in their body tend to exhibit greater strength, bursts of speed, greater muscle mass, and increased protein synthesis (muscle building and repair).
Knowing the above, it’s easy to understand why creatine has become one of the most popular sports supplements on the market, as well as the most researched. In fact, studies on creatine have consistently demonstrated its ability to:
- Increase muscular strength, power and body mass (Okudan, 2005), (Earnest, 1995), (Volek, 1999)
- Reduce muscle fatigue in anaerobic exercise (Hoffman, 2005)
- Enhance protein synthesis (Ingwall, 1974)
There are numerous studies demonstrating the benefits of creatine supplementation. We’ve only cited a few, but if you’d like to learn more simply Google “creatine and enhanced athletic performance.”
2:1:1 BCAA’s
Along with creatine, PROGENEX Force delivers leucine, isoleucine and valine. These branched chain amino acids (BCAA’s) are crucial for muscle growth, repair and recovery. But that is not all, leucine, isoleucine and valine are the primary amino acids oxidized during intense exercise
(Blomstrand, 2006). That is why it is extremely helpful to supplement with BCAA’s prior to working out. Supplementing with BCAA’s pre-workout supplies your muscles with high octane fuel during your workout, as well as increases protein synthesis, decreases catabolization (muscle breakdown) and enhances recovery (Candeloro, 1995), (Shimomura, 2004), (Matsumoto, 2007) post-workout. That is why you’ll find BCAA’s in pretty much any decent pre and post-workout product.
However, what really separates the PROGENEX Force formula from the competition is our 2:1:1 BCAA ratio.
Leucine is the most important BCAA when it comes to muscle growth and repair. That is precisely why we add more leucine. The 2:1:1 ratio is optimal for helping your muscles maintain an anabolic state both during and after your workouts as well as optimizing strength gains (Coburn, 2006). You’ll notice a difference with our special BCAA formulation.
Fueling your muscles is an important component to any pre-workout supplement, but strict muscle fuel without added buffering agents to fight against fatigue would make for a weak pre-workout drink. That is why PROGENEX Force contains Ctirulline and Beta-Alanine.
Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid produced naturally in the body and also found in foods such as melons. It has gained widespread recognition in the sports nutrition field because of the role it plays in facilitating the elimination of ammonia. Because ammonia accumulation in the blood and tissues has been shown to block cellular energetic processes (Lowenstein, 1972), (Bryla, 1979), buffering against its production and facilitating its elimination through citrulline supplementation is of utmost importance for individual’s seeking to achieve optimal athletic performance.
Citrulline’s anti-fatiguing properties (Janeira, 1998)* were reason enough to include it in our list of PROGENEX Force ingredients, but impressively enough, Citrulline has also been shown to:
- Increase Nitric Oxide Production (because citrulline can increase arginine levels, which in turns produces nitric oxide)
- Increase ATP (energy) (Bendahan, 2002)
- Enhance Anaerobic Performance and Reduce Post-Exercise Muscle Soreness (Perez-Guisado, 2010)
*Citrulline malate effects on the aerobic-anaerobic threshold recovery and in post-exercise blood lactate recovery Janeira, M. A.; Maia, J. R.; Santos, P. J. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 30(5) (Supplement):155, May 1998.
Like citrulline, beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that can increase the level of carnosine in the muscle. As a precursor to carnosine, beta-alanine joins with the amino acid histidine through a peptide bond to form carnosine in the muscle. Muscle carnosine is the major buffering agent, or neutralizer, of hydronium ions that lead to muscle fatigue and failure.
The benefits of beta-alanine have been researched in several different studies with remarkable results. Beta-alanine can:
- Increase muscle carnosine for prolonged periods (Baguet, 2009)
- Increase muscle buffering capacity (Derave, 2007)
- Decrease acidosis (Stout, 2006)
- Improve endurance (Van Thienen, 2009)
- Delay fatigue (Derave, 2007)
- Increase strength (Hill, 2007) (Hoffman, 2006)
- Speed recovery from intense exercise (Stout, 2006)
Together, beta-alanine and citrulline will keep fatigue at bay, allowing for enhanced endurance and increased working capacity.
Low Dose Caffeine
Some pre-workout drinks contain high doses of caffeine, but PROGENEX Force uses only 100mg. This low dose is the optimal addition for promoting high energy levels while increasing mental clarity and focus.
Caffeine supplementation has also been shown to enhance athletic endurance and fat oxidation (Costill, 1978), as well as decrease muscle glycogenolysis—resulting in prolonged time to exhaustion (Spriet, 1992).
Get Your Results
You’ve trusted us to help you recover, now allow us to help you train harder, longer. And go faster, stronger. PROGENEX Force – Feel the Power Surge!
I’d love to try y’alls products. Seems genuine! Can’t wait for a helper to lessen my muscle fatigue after a “crippling leg day”