Mahina Garcia

Mahina Garcia

Jeremy Briggs

Twenty two year old model Mahina Garcia was born and raised on the North Shore of Oahu in a culture and a family where surfing was big business and a part of everyday life.  Garcia said that, even today,  most of her free time is spent outdoors doing anything  from hiking in the mountains to cave diving in the ocean.  This passion for movement, combined with a job as a professional model, led Mahina to also develop a huge passion for fitness and nutrition to go along with it.

“I started modeling at 15 years old and at that point I had to train myself to learn how to eat healthy and exercise properly. I went through a lot of trial and error over the past years especially with the stress of the modeling business,” she said.

Mahina was introduced to functional fitness style training shortly after graduating high school, and she says that the style of training has been one of the best things she has been introduced to when it comes to fitness and health.  Her whole family has adopted this method, so much so actually that they have built a pretty state of the art facility, The Progenex Wellness Center,  where they are now training others – including a pretty deep roster of some of the best surfers in the world – right at their own home.

“Through fitness, my family and I have watched our bodies transform for the better.  We have become stronger, healthier, happier and more knowledgeable. I think the reason we love it so much is because you don’t have to be perfect.  We are not the strongest, nor are we the fastest, but we are healthy and strong and that’s all that matters.” – Garcia

That’s all that matters of course, until you step in front of the camera.  Modeling can be a tough industry where being “strong” may not always be as celebrated.

“In this industry of modeling, you are advised to be fit while still managing to be long and lean,” says Mahina.  So, she combines her love for functional fitness style training with movements and exercises that she knows works with her body and the look she needs to provide.  For her, this combination is what she feels will provide is the best workouts for women who want to be strong and feminine at the same time.
“If I know I have a handful of modeling jobs booked I will usually amp up the cardio (fat burning), add in more yoga (for long and lean muscle), as well as train targeted muscles (for definition and muscle sculpting) with lighter weight and higher reps. My favorite exercises are anything that works my booty because I love the burn, and the bubble butt! My favorite weight lifting movements are deadlifts and cleans. But, ultimately my favorite way to train will always be surfing and hiking.” – Garcia

Mahina also understands that a strong and lean physique is not just built in the gym.  Diet and nutrition play a huge role in both the ability to train and perform, but also to look your best. But, she’s not one to go too crazy with overly strict or fad diets. She says she sticks to what works and has researched the best supplements for women as well. In fact she says, “I get bored easily due to the fact that I am a foodie at heart. Food makes me happy!”

Here is an example of what you might find Mahina eating on a typical day:

Morning: 1 Glass of lemon water (1 whole lemon) + 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar & a shot of fresh pressed ginger. COFFEE (black)!

Breakfast: 1/4 cup oatmeal with goji berries, honey & a peanut butter banana smoothie with 1 tablespoon of peanut butter, ½ a banana and 2 scoops of Belgian Chocolate Recovery.

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie (recipe)


If I am in a rush I will normally just grab an apple and a yummy Progenex Bar  

Lunch: Progenex Omega Oil,  Advance Bionutritional blood oxygenating supplement and either Coconut Curry Quinoa or a garden salad with Ahi Poke.

Snack: A Kombucha, Coconut water or a Green Juice.

Dinner: Dinner is my favorite time of day!

Here are some of my favorite options-

  • Veggie Str fry
  • Kale Salad with Protein
  • Poke and Rice
  • Pad Thai

“As a woman, I feel like we go through a lot of changes physically and mentally through our life time.  When we are physically strong we become mentally strong which then gives us confidence and strength within ourselves.”  – Garcia

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